Mobile Applications
Mobile Application Development
Aircraft Training Aids has been creating mobile application solutions since 2011. Our applications range from interactive systems training, to aircraft checklist creation. Below our some of our most successful applications that are available on the iOS AppStore.
Boeing 737 Diagrams
The Boeing 737 NG Interactive Diagram App is a completely immersive training aid that can be used to study and review the B737 NG Systems.
The app allows you to manipulate the systems to see how each part will react. Simulate emergencies to see if you can correct the problem with your checklist.
Systems Included:
– Electrical
– Fuel
– Bleed Air
– Hydraulic
– Fire Detection and Protection
– Flaps and Slats

Cessna 172 Handbook
The Cessna 172S Handbook is an innovative new way to study aircraft systems and limitations. System description sections take the main information from the POH and organizes in easy to navigate chapters.
Interactive diagrams for the major systems allow the user to tap on various switches, levers, circuit breakers, and buttons and watch how those inputs change the diagram. Users can practice normal and emergency operations, correlating practical knowledge with the POH descriptions. Descriptions and limitations are also noted for various parts of each system throughout the diagram.
The interactive cockpit poster allows you to view the entire cockpit with a highly detailed illustration. If you tap on a part of the cockpit you will see an in-depth description of that part of the cockpit.
Pilatus PC-12 NG
The Pilatus PC-12 NG Training Aid is an immersive training tool for both current and new pilots to the PC-12. The app covers all systems, limitations, and performance for the aircraft, organized by chapters for ease of use. Includes pertinent information from the aircraft’s Pilot’s Operating Handbook.
Interactive Diagrams:
Interactive diagrams within the lessons allow the user to manipulate switches and other system parts in order to actually see how system function is impacted in real-time. Some of these interactive diagrams allow for simulation of failures, as well.